SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: We are happy to announce the offering of both in-person and video-based services. If choosing to meet in-person, please discuss with your provider specific days they are available for in-person appointments.

Good help is out there. Call today.

Finding the right provider can be challenging. We are happy to offer a brief phone consultation to answer any questions you may have, discuss ways in which we can help you reach your treatment goals, and walk you through the next steps together. 

You may schedule your appointment or consultation using the online booking link. If a specific time is needed that is not currently available through online booking, please contact us directly to identify a more workable time.

Please note that while we are happy to respond to emails, email communication is not encrypted by default, and by sending emails you acknowledge this potential limitation to confidentiality/security. As such, you may not want to share sensitive information in your email correspondence.

Your contact request does not establish a provider-patient relationship. If this is an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. 

Contact us:

Eddie Mockus, PhD (Accepting new clients)

Phone: 720-526-0579
In-Person: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Katherine Petty, PhD (Accepting new clients)

Phone: 720-204-8744
In-Person: Wednesday

Address and Getting Here:

3333 Iris Ave, Suite 104
Boulder, CO 80301

Parking lot and street parking available. Once inside, we are the first door on your left. Be mindful of parking signs if parking on Iris Ave.